What To Do When We Have Too Many Notebooks?

Well, make a notebook holder.

Reader’s Digest book cover turned into a notebook holder.

And so, that’s what I did.

I have a penchant for writing notes on different notebooks and post-its – one for sermon notes, one for to-do lists, and stickies for random ideas. Problem is, I do not keep them all in one place, and whenever I need that PARTICULAR notebook, I cannot seem to find it. Oh yes, I can never seem to find a pen either.

So I thought, I should just keep it all in one place.

If you would like to make one of these yourselves, here’s how to:

What you need:
1 Old hardcover book
1 piece of colored paper
As many pretty ribbons
Rubber bands, hair ties or elastic band
UHU super glue

How to:
1. Tear out the pages from inside the cover, then neatly stick a piece of colored paper to hide the ugly tears.
2. Stick as many ribbons as you like on the width of the book cover. As you use the UHU super glue, be careful to leave gaps in between, so as to allow room to place/hook pens.
3. Just place the elastic band and hair ties on the length of the book covers.

Wallah! You are ready to keep all the notepaper pads in one place. Nothing beats our own handicraft.

2 thoughts on “What To Do When We Have Too Many Notebooks?

    1. Hey there! Thank you for your kind comment. Nice to know someone from across the globe who faces the same happy problem of too many notebooks.

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